How can I lose weight, helpful tips

Many people ask, how can I lose weight because they try very wide range of ways to lose weight but they failed to achieve any results. They may be in a hurry asking how much weight can i lose in 6 weeks for example, I say to them you should start losing weight then ask about how much weight you can lose in a week or a month or even a year.

I wish this fast weight loss tips help you to lose weight as fast as possible.

1.      Don’t cut out the food to the starvation point, because if you starve your body, you will not get any weight loss results.. Instead you should change your eating habits, in fact this will work very well especially if you do exercises, because exercises help you raise your metabolism which needs you to eat well, so don’t make this mistake.
2.      Eat small portions of meals frequently. Some people eat two or three large meals a day but this is very wrong instead you can eat small portion males but eat four or five meals a day.
3.      Don’t eat in front of the TV because this makes you eat so much food.
4.      Take a small plate, this makes you eat very little.
5.      Speak with another person while eating; this makes you eat very slowly.

I think that the fastest and healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets nor bursts of exercises, this means that you cant lose weight by starvation or by doing hard exercises, you need to do both your diet and exercises very gradually.

So I think that I should answer the question "How can I lose weight" before answering the question " How much weight can i lose in 6 weeks" which I will give you the best answer in the next post, so keep following.
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